20 MPH Zones
Is Twenty Plenty in Sunbury? For some years Cllr John Turner has been concerned about the speed of traffic in residential roads in Sunbury and has advocated restricting some roads to 20 MPH.
Cllr John Turner writes:
Vehicles regularly speed along Lower Sunbury roads including major roads such as The Avenue and Green Street, but also areas such as the Benwell Meadow estate.
Speeding along 20mph designated Thames Street is reduced traffic congestion and platforms (speed bumps). Those on The Avenue only slow down vehicles briefly between the platforms.
I experience this dangerous driving as a pedestrian, cyclist and driver and have been overtaken twice on the Avenue because I was keeping to the 30mph limit.
There are currently 20mph limits on several Lower Sunbury Roads but these are so poorly signed that they are routinely ignored, unlike the situation in neighbouring boroughs where there are clear 20mph sign and road markings which have an overall effect of calming traffic flow.
Surrey has always opposed this approach to traffic calming and has turned down speeding petitions in past for various reasons including cost.
The majority of speeding vehicles are almost certainly not local residents but those looking for ways to avoid Staines Road and Upper Halliford Road by racing through Lower Sunbury via Green Street and The Avenue.
Indications are that Surrey is planning to impose a 20mph limit on local residential roads - will this include Green Street and The Avenue ?
If so, the whole of Lower Sunbury will become a safer, less polluted and overall calmer area which will benefit all residents and discourage those who put us at risk by careless and dangerous driving.
Should we, as residents, welcome this move towards more safety for all road users , lower pollution and less congestion ?
It is important that the residents of Lower Sunbury agree with this move so that the initiative will be seen to be supported by everyone.