15% Tory Tax Bomb - the unfair consequence of years of mismanagement
SURREY CONSERVATIVES want to increase your council tax by a whopping 15%. The Financial mess they have got us into is now so bad that this is the only way they can see of preventing even more huge cuts across the board. In simple terms, we don't have enough money to pay for the services we deserve.
THIS TORY GOVERNMENT has to take some of the blame. They have slashed government funding coming into the county by a huge amount. What is really infuriating is that Spelthorne, like the rest of Surrey, puts far more money into the National Economy than it takes out. Now they are taking even more and, if we want the services we need, then as far as the Tories are concerned we can pay extra. Remember, along with the other Surrey MPs, YOUR MP voted for this. Why didn't he stand up for Spelthorne instead?
COUNCIL TAX is not a fair tax especially in places like Surrey. It's based on property values which are very high. On the one hand, we have people struggling to maintain the high cost of living in Spelthorne who have little spare cash to cope with enormous hikes like this. On the other hand, many older people are on quite low fixed incomes that do not match their property values. They are 'Asset Rich/Cash Poor' and this tax is equally as devastating for them.
WHY? Actually that's not a difficult question to answer. Quite simply, the Conservatives have done the calculation that Surrey will always vote Tory, so they don't have to bother with us. They simply take our votes for granted then take our money and move it to other parts of the country where their vote is not as safe. (There are 300+ local authorities in England and Wales. Of the 15 worst hit by these cuts 8 are in Surrey, while the 9th is Surrey itself! If that isn't taking your vote for granted what is?). Having taken our money in large amounts, the Conservatives are now saying: 'If you want to keep your services, you can pay even more'.