Ashford Polyclinic - proposal under scrutiny thanks to Lib Dems
Liberal Democrat Councillors made sure that the local NHS had to listen to residents concerns about the proposed Polyclinic at Ashford Hospital. A Lib Dem motion led to a special Council review meeting held in public.
At the meeting residents asked searching questions and were concerned when Spelthorne's Conservative Councillors gave the PCT's plan their unqualified support. The Tories claimed a commitment had been secured to safeguard local GP services. Lib Dems are not happy with the assurances and think the money would be better spent strengthening existing GP services.
Getting the best local health service
Liberal Democrats say: Instead of a commercially-owned GP service at Ashford Hospital, the money would be better spent on more GP appointments, more home visits for the very ill and weekend surgeries at all GP practices.
Follow the link below to see the list of questions asked by members of the public and the answers received.