KWASI KWARTENG IS RIGHT SHOCK! There are no safe parliamentary seats
According to the Daily Telegraph “Kwasi Kwarteng warned there was no such thing as a safe Tory seat any more as the Conservative Party suffered a bruising set of local election results.”
Spelthorne’s absentee MP has finally admitted what the Liberal Democrats have known for a long time – that Spelthorne is not a safe Conservative seat. Mr Kwarteng told LBC that “all of our seats are under threat, there’s no such thing really as a safe Tory seat anymore”.
For years the Conservatives in Spelthorne have assumed that they have had a divine right to just appoint whoever they want to be our MP. The current MP lives miles away in Greenwich and his predecessor had an exceptional record in claiming parliamentary expenses. None of this has previously shifted the dial.
But things are changing across the country, and particularly in Spelthorne.
It is no surprise that Harry Boparai is the man widely tipped to be Spelthorne's first non-Tory MP.
Harry Boparai, the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Spelthorne had been getting out and talking to residents and listening to what they are saying. Harry has received an overwhelmingly positive reception on the doorstep. Everyone he has spoken to is frustrated and disappointed with the Tories, who promised so much, but have delivered so little. Voters don’t just want a change of party, they want an MP who is local, who cares, who listens and who will act in the interests of residents.
Commenting on Mr Kwarteng’s statement, Harry said:
“I have been amazed by the support that I have received from across the whole borough. It is now obvious, even to Mr Kwarteng, that Spelthorne is ready for a Liberal Democrat MP. I may not have gone to Eton, but I live here and I understand what is needed: an NHS that works, a Police force that protects us and an economic fair deal that leaves no one behind.”