Spelthorne’s Budget - What do you think?
As we scrutinise the budget, share your thoughts
As we come round to the annual Budget for the Council, Spelthorne Liberal Democrats are inviting residents to share their thoughts about this year's budget proposals. Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be making some recommendations on the 9th February about some areas we have addressed before a decision on the final budget is made on 25th February.
The full paperwork can be found here - https://democracy.spelthorne.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=139&MId=3390&Ver=4
Use the 'share your views' section at the bottom of this article to feedback to us. This budget has been prepared by the administration, but there are still very significant ways we can shape it based on your feedback. Spelthorne Liberal Democrats would still like to see improvements to the way information is being presented and for early, more meaningful input to be more proactive is delivering a budget for residents that reflects the communities needs.
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
What do you make of the fact that 41% of our budget is dependent on our property portfolio in only 5 years?
Is this ambitious enough to tackle the climate emergency?
Are Spelthorne's services being funded sufficiently to deliver on residents' needs?
Given we are in a pandemic, how do we make use of the reserves responsibly to respond to the global crisis?
What has happened to the Council's Green Belt Protection Fund from last year?