Spelthorne Tories continue to plan to over-build against their own target
Each Year Spelthorne has to submit an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) to government. Included within this are the details of the number of new houses built and estimates for future years. These figures show that in the next few years Spelthorne Borough Council is planning a huge bulge in the projected number of completions way above target.
There is no explanation in the AMR as to how or where this increase will be built. Well, now we know - the Tories are considering building on the Green Belt. Up to now the Council has only said that developers would like to build on the Green Belt. Now it seems the Tories are thinking of giving in to them.
Since this bulge has been in the numbers for some years one wonders just how long this has been under consideration behind the scenes. However we can find nothing in the public domain about this decision. No policy discussions, no public papers and no report submitted to any Council Committees. It has all been done in secret.
It must be remembered that the numbers shown here are the Conservative Council's own numbers. This is what they have officially told central government.