Tory Green Belt Threat - AGAIN
Conservatives have launched their most serious attack on the Green Belt for a decade. They want to review all the Green Belt in Spelthorne to see how much can be sold out to developers. Sunbury is at the top of their hit list.
Spelthorne has already refused to rule out the prospect of 900 new homes on Kempton Park and land at the end of Vicarage road in Sunbury Common must also now be considered to be under serious threat.
The reason behind this threat is the shortage in family and social housing. What the Tories won't tell you is that the shortage is entirely their own fault. They have repeatedly rolled over and played dead, letting developers off the Hook so they do not build the family and social housing that is needed. The pent up demand is then used to promote building on the Green Belt. Liberal Democrats have repeatedly challenged this. Just 18 months ago Councillor Ian Beardsmore again proposed changes that would overcome this problem.
Liberal Democrats will not support building on Green Belt just to make up for Tory incompetence.