We're giving away free spatulas
Originally sent as a newsletter to members 3 April 2022
Delivering leaflets. Simple, right? Well, yes, but there are a few things you may not have thought of if you have not done this for us.
"No Junk Mail" stickers
Would you post? Generally, I would say yes because we are delivering a communication from a local councillor; letting residents know what's happening is part of our commitment to them. However, there are many versions so do read them and make the decision for yourself. There is one house I (don't) deliver to because the sign says "We need trees more than pizzas" - that speaks to me!
Where's the letterbox? How many are there?
These can be harder to find than you expect! Watch out for a building with letterboxes in more than one place, such as on both a front door and then a side door for another flat. Look at how many meter cupboards or bins are out front - that is often a good clue to more flats being around the corner.
Brushes and the art of the unscrewed leaflet
Actually getting the leaflet through the letter box can be a challenge on some that have "brushes" behind them. It's very easy to end up scrunching the leaflet and it looks a mess on the door mat. The answer is, you guessed it, one of our FREE spatulas. "Load" the leaflet onto the spatula by lightly bending it around the flat end and when you push it through the letterbox it will spring open and look good on the doormat. And your hand will not be scraped on the flap or sides (experienced non-spatula'd deliverers will tell you about "deliverer's thumb").
How do I get my free deliverer's spatula?
Let us know you can deliver leaflets to streets in your area (or not your area if you prefer) and we'll sort you out with leaflets, a map of your "walk" and a spatula. If you want an experienced deliverer to come with you first time, we can arrange that as well. In fact, delivering in larger teams (we sometimes call these Action Days) is extra fun with a coffee shop or pub visit afterwards.
How about it? We'd love to have your help
Just reply to this email or call me, Martin, on 07738 303901 and let's chat.
Until next time
Take care
I'm Martin Gammon, Membership Secretary of the Spelthorne Lib Dems.
membership@spelthornelibdems.org.uk 07738 303901