What's it like to attend a Liberal Democrat councillors' surgery?
It's not nearly as scary as you might think!
Local Sunbury East councillor Kathy Grant explains "They are very informal drop-in style sessions. Two or three councillors sit in a dedicated space at Sunbury Library [also Staines Library] and local residents can come and talk to us about local issues or problems."
Cllr Lawrence Nichols (Halliford and Sunbury West) continues "Often there is a common complaint, typically on a planning issue. Otherwise, they are completely fed up with a very local situation - planning, parking, fly-tipping, drug dealing, anti-social behaviour. They come into the surgery as they believe we can open different doors, and often we can."
Over in Staines Library, Staines South Councillor Chris Bateson is in attendance. "I get a few in from not only my own ward but two neighbouring wards, Staines Town and Riverside & Laleham", explains Chris, "and sometimes I am sure they are just curious - they gingerly turn up and before you know it we are mulling over local issues with a cup of tea and if they are lucky, a biscuit."
Long time councillor in Halliford and Sunbury West, Sandra Dunn recalls "One member of the public who turned up asking if we could remove a cyst. I had to explain we were not that kind of surgery!"
Sunbury Library Last Saturday in the month from 1030 - 1230.
Staines Library First Saturday in the month from 1030 - 1230.
You can be a resident of any local ward to turn up and any local person is welcome.