It's the only Centre of its kind in Spelthorne Local Liberal Democrats believe that adult learning is a valuable and important service that cannot be allowed to disappear from Sunbury. Surrey CC have a track record of removing facilities from Spelthorne and neglecting the needs of residents. We shall be seeking to defend the site from inappropriate development and resisting any reduction in locally delivered adult learning opportunities. We asked Spelthorne Council a question about this in 2018 - you can find the question and answer below or see the minutes of the meeting.
This leaves only a dangerous route to the station for many, cutting Halliford from Sunbury We find it disgraceful that Surrey and Network Rail have closed one of the most important paths connecting Halliford and Sunbury. Having worked to get the path on a schedule to be maintained, this closure is a kick in the teeth. Let's hope the authorities listen and get provision to cross the Halliford Bypass (Something we've long campaigned for) sorted or that the path is reopened.
What the Liberal Democrats believe On the back of the Liberal Democrat membership card, you will find these words, taken from the preamble to the party's constitution:
Staines South By-election Rob Millist Introduction Leaflet
The atmosphere is said to be "TOXIC" amongst Surrey council Tories Following the publication of the list of candidates for this year's Surrey County Council elections, it has emerged that 25 out of 56 Conservative county councillors are stepping down - a dropout rate of 45%. The decision of so many Tory county councillors to leave office comes less than a year after the County Council was heavily criticised for wasting £250,000 on a failed bid to become a unitary authority by abolishing Surrey's borough and district councils. The County Council is widely regarded as an out-of-touch authority, which cannot get the basic services like repairing local roads and pavements right. Chris Botten, Lib Dem Group Leader on Surrey County Council, said: "I am shocked to see that so many Conservative councillors are retiring, including some very senior cabinet or former cabinet members. There is no doubt that being a county councillor is an onerous responsibility, but the Tory-run council has alienated colleagues in boro