Liberal Democrats support law to clamp down on vehicle idling
The Lib Dems have called on Surrey County Council to back a bill that would increase the fines for leaving vehicles idling and make it easier to levy fines.
The Lib Dems have called on Surrey County Council to back a bill that would increase the fines for leaving vehicles idling and make it easier to levy fines.
Following a request by the Lib Dems, Surrey County Council has agreed to exempt young care leavers from paying its share of Council Tax.
Surrey County Council own a broad range of land and property assets both in and outside of the County, with a total value of around £1.5bn. At the Cabinet meeting last week it was revealed that Surrey will be 'pausing' investment out of county for the time being whilst they evaluate the use of existing properties.
The 2nd May 2019 saw one of the largest quantities of local elections across the country for a long time, and Surrey was no exception. People turned out to elect their new local councillors, and it was a great success for the Liberal Democrats in Surrey.
Surrey County Council has a statutory duty to publicise the equalities and diversity profile of its workforce annually, at a minimum, as per The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011*. Unfortunately Surrey County Council have failed to do so.
The Liberal Democrats have condemned the Conservative Government for slashing Surrey County Council budget for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) by £4,403.72 per pupil in real terms since 2015, resulting in a loss of specialist provision.