Surrey County Council News
Surrey Liberal Democrats condemn closures of 31 children’s centres in the County
At Surrey County Council's Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, Cabinet members approved plans to shut 31 of Surrey's 58 children centres. Liberal Democrat County Councillors spoke out at the meeting against the closures, believing the proposals were not in the best interests of the residents of Surrey and the current users of the centres.
Liberal Democrats fight closures of Surrey's Community Recycling Centres
The Liberal Democrats were out in full force at yesterday's Surrey County Council's Cabinet meeting petitioning against the proposed closures of a number of Surrey's recycling centres. 6 petitions were presented to the Cabinet regarding the recycling centres, with one petition reaching over 8,000 signatures.
Council has no plans to reopen Lakers Youth Centre one year after fire
The Liberal Democrats have criticised Surrey County Council for leaving the Lakers Youth Centre closed for a whole year, and still not having any plans to reopen it.
Lib Dems condemn essential services cuts and call for Surrey County Council to listen to its residents
Cabinet papers* released yesterday by Surrey County Council reveal the outcomes of recent consultations carried out in relation to a number of essential services provided by the Council. The public consultations were based on a set of proposals for five service areas:
Petition is last ditch attempt to save the Dorking Tip
The Dorking Tip is now under real threat of closure by the County Council, with a decision to be made by its Cabinet on 29 January 2019. The recommendation to the Cabinet, following the consultation, is for the Tip to close.