Manifesto commitment to genuine investment in the NHS
The Liberal Democrat manifesto sets out a positive direction to improved health and care provision – FOR A FAIR DEAL
The Liberal Democrat manifesto sets out a positive direction to improved health and care provision – FOR A FAIR DEAL
A Local Candidate and a manifesto filled with progressive policies is attracting support to the Liberal Democrats.
Spelthorne residents are hugely disadvantaged by not being part of the TfL rail zones. All we want is parity with other areas with close links to London, but are outside Greater London.
As both a County and Borough councillor, Harry Boparai has been able to help residents by taking action and getting things done. As Spelthorne's next MP will be able to achieve so much more.
The Liberal Democrat Leader is not just about politics - he is real human being who cares. Watch the video and see for yourself.
The Labour party are telling their supporters in Spelthorne to go and support their candidate in Crawley – they have given up on Spelthorne.