Council admits to wasting your money Over the last 10 years Conservative-controlled Spelthorne has spent more than £40m of "reserves". Most of this money came from the sale of Council houses in the 1990's. Since then the level of reserves has fallen rapidly, despite the sale of other assets during the period.
Planning Matters Spelthorne's Planning Committee has met 15 times since it was last appointed in May last year. Since then…. - One Conservative member (£3,900 p.a. allowances) has attended just one meeting
Liberal Democrats say on-street parking charges will hit our community hard
The long awaited replacement Walton bridge has been given the go-ahead by the government.
A special meeting of Spelthorne Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee is to be held to look closely at the proposal for a so-called Eco Park at Charlton Lane. Sunbury and Halliford Liberal Democrat Councillors have been asking for this meeting since December last year and only now have the Spelthorne's Conservative majority allowed a public meeting.